My Story



Emily Keating is a full-time artist who specializes in printmaking. One of her favorite techniques is to create original botanical artworks with fresh leaves and flowers which she composes on a smooth plate rolled with ink, often overprinting a piece with several layers to build delicate textures. The spontaneity of working without drawing first, and the unexpected results from interactions between leaves, ink and paper and layers results in finished pieces that are unique. Just like in gardening, even with years of experience, this printing process can yield happy surprises.

Emily also carves stamps and woodblocks that she prints by hand on both paper and fabric using traditional methods. Currently based in a coastal town on the Long Island Sound, Emily enjoys making a range of items celebrating the peace and treasures she finds on beach walks. 

Emily has primarily lived in the Northeast region of the United States, but she also spent some years in the San Francisco Bay area and she earned her Associates of Arts Degree in Fine Art: Printmaking in 2004 before moving back east. After starting a family, the experience of being a primary caregiver deepened Emily’s sensitivity to the conflicting forces that everyone faces in life. She seeks balance between being there for her loved ones and nurturing her own creative heart.

In 2019, Emily completed her Bachelor of Arts degree at UMASS Amherst and began her journey as a full time working artist. She believes in the power of art to share beauty, to create awareness of other cultures, and to heal emotional pain.




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